Singapore Bullion Market Association


There are many good reasons for industry players to start their Gold business here in Singapore:

  • No GST on Investment Precious Metals (IPM). Click here to view more information about IPM
  • Approved Refiners and Approved Consolidators enjoy certain benefits including GST suspension on qualifying imports and additional input tax benefits (ARCS). Click here to view more information about ARCS
  • World-class physical infrastructure
  • Refineries
  • Vaulting
  • Secured Logistics
  • Bullion banks (market makers)
  • Liquidity Providers
  • Strong Governmental Support
  • World-class financial infrastructure: Singapore is the only AAA-rated country in ASEAN
  • Well-regulated banking system
  • Wealth management hub
  • Open market
  • Transparency
  • Politically stable with strong rule of law
  • Benefit of English as a common language
  • Good access to ASEAN markets, India and China
  • Fill the time and liquidity gap between the United States and London
  • SBMA can help to open the door to Gold market in Singapore