Singapore Bullion Market Association

Retail Gold Investment Principles


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Why The Retail Gold Investment Principles Make A Difference

Physical gold plays an important role for retail investors and is increasingly attracting international capital, a portion of which will remain stored in Singapore. Gold investors often seek long-term wealth preservation, relying on gold as a vital component of their investment portfolio. These investors seek, simple to understand, transparency and assurances.

Physical gold plays an important role for retail investors and is increasingly attracting international capital, a portion of which will remain stored in Singapore.

To address these needs, several physical gold providers have come together to form this Working Group to set minimum transparency standard designed to strengthen the confidence of private investors when acquiring, storing and selling gold and other precious metals.

A key component in achieving this goal is adherence to principles and guidelines that serve to fulfil investors’ interests. Responsible providers of gold investment products must treat customers fairly and act with utmost integrity. The protection of customer assets is paramount. Responsible providers comply with all legal requirements, operate with professionalism, and exercise commercial prudence. Responsible procurement of gold is a matter of course.

The Retail Gold Investment Principles

The Code is based on the international Retail Gold Investment Principles of the World Gold Council, which are freely accessible on the internet at: WGC – Retail Gold Investment Principles. The WGC has been the leading authority on gold for over 30 years and strives to improve understanding of, access to, and trust in gold.
The respective principles of the Code of Conduct are as follows:
Principle Description
1. Fairness and Integrity We treat our customers fairly and act with integrity, from information and service provision through transaction completion.
2. Transparency We are transparent with customers about prices and key terms and disclose other material information related to product features.
3. Protection of Customer Assets We ensure adequate protection of our customers’ gold holdings and other assets including cash held on behalf of customers.
4. Responsible Gold Sourcing We source gold of high integrity gold from trustworthy suppliers, whilst considering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.
5. Regulatory Compliance We adhere to all applicable regulations and local laws.
6. Commercial Prudence We do not take excessive risks and are prepared for various eventualities including a company wind-down.
7. Operational Professionalism We conduct our business with due skill, care, and diligence, and manage key risks.

SBMA Retail Best Practices Label

The “SBMA Retail Best Practices Label” is a recognition awarded to companies operating within Singapore’s precious metal industry who demonstrate a strong and verifiable commitment to upholding the Code of Conduct. These companies adhere to the SBMA Retail Best Practices guidelines, which are based on a set of seven principles: Fairness and Integrity, Transparency, Protection of Customer Assets, Responsible Gold Sourcing, Regulatory Compliance, Commercial Prudence, and Operational Professionalism.

This label holds significant importance as it serves to safeguard retail clients and strengthen the confidence of private investors in gold investment products and the retail gold market. The SBMA Retail Best Practices Label and its underlying principles collectively serve as a comprehensive framework that safeguards retail clients’ interests and fosters a robust and trustworthy retail gold market.

Our label not only recognizes companies for their commitment to these principles but also provides investors with a clear signal of the companies’ dedication to ethical practices, transparency, and the protection of customer assets. Ultimately, it instils confidence in private investors, reinforcing the integrity of gold investment products and bolstering the overall strength of the retail gold market.

he Retail Gold Investment Principles Make A Difference
SBMA Retail Best Practices Label

SBMA Retail Best Practices Membership

Join an elite group of industry leaders through the SBMA Retail Best Practices Membership. This exclusive membership program is designed for companies operating in Singapore’s precious metal industry, distinguishing them as pioneers of excellence and champions of customer-centricity. It is only open to SBMA members. Interested companies wishing to join the Retail Best Practices Membership must first qualify as a SBMA member.

SBMA Retail Best Practices Members