Singapore Bullion Market Association

Why Do Turkish Banks Hold Gold at the Turkish Central Bank?

Navigate Article List Artificial Intelligence Application in Algorithmic Trading: Two-day WorkshopOrganised by SBMA, 16 & 18 October 2018Malaysia’s Precious Jewellery MarketBy Ermin Siow, President, Federation of Goldsmiths and Jewellers Association of Malaysia, 2014-2018Why Do Turkish Banks Hold Gold at the Turkish Central Bank?By Aslı Şahin, FX & Precious Metals SpecialistThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on…

Malaysia’s Precious Jewellery Market

Navigate Article List Artificial Intelligence Application in Algorithmic Trading: Two-day WorkshopOrganised by SBMA, 16 & 18 October 2018Malaysia’s Precious Jewellery MarketBy Ermin Siow, President, Federation of Goldsmiths and Jewellers Association of Malaysia, 2014-2018Why Do Turkish Banks Hold Gold at the Turkish Central Bank?By Aslı Şahin, FX & Precious Metals SpecialistThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on…

Crucible Issue #7

Navigate Article List Artificial Intelligence Application in Algorithmic Trading: Two-day WorkshopOrganised by SBMA, 16 & 18 October 2018Malaysia’s Precious Jewellery MarketBy Ermin Siow, President, Federation of Goldsmiths and Jewellers Association of Malaysia, 2014-2018Why Do Turkish Banks Hold Gold at the Turkish Central Bank?By Aslı Şahin, FX & Precious Metals SpecialistThe Impact of Artificial Intelligence on…

律政部:反洗黑钱及打击反恐融资 宝石和贵金属交易将受更严格监管

Navigate News List 律政部:反洗黑钱及打击反恐融资 宝石和贵金属交易将受更严格监管 新加坡, 2018年7月18日 DOWNLOAD PDF 律政部在文告中说:“宝石和贵金属便于携带,有价值且容易转换成现金,这使得这行业存在着洗黑钱和恐怖主义融资的风险……新的监管制度将填补这个缺口。它将管理宝石和贵金属业的风险,这对于对抗不只是国内而是国际罪案,以及改进安保来说,是非常重要的。”为防止不法分子利用宝石和贵金属交易进行洗黑钱和恐怖主义融资活动,律政部将推出新的监管制度,本地约2500个宝石和贵金属经销商料将面对更严格的监管,必须采取措施降低客户和交易导致的罪案风险。根据新制度,经销商必须侦查、评估和明了客户和交易所引起的洗黑钱和恐怖主义融资的风险,向负责监管的律政部注册、以及实行内部政策、程序和管制条例,降低这些风险等。律政部昨天宣布将针对宝石和贵金属经销商推出新的反洗黑钱和反恐融资(Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism)监管制度,并在来临月份展开公共咨询。目前宝石和贵金属既不属于金融业,也不属于非金融业(如典当业),所以不受反洗黑钱和反恐融资相关条例的管制,也不必履行相关义务。不过,当局从2014年10月中起,把原本只为赌场业者所设的“现金交易呈报”制,也扩大到宝石和贵金属经销商,规定他们凡进行2万元以上的现金交易,都须在15个营业日内向商业事务局呈交报告,以防止贪污、贩毒和其他严重罪行。律政部文告说:“宝石和贵金属便于携带,有价值且容易转换成现金,这使得这行业存在着洗黑钱和恐怖主义融资的风险……新的监管制度将填补这个缺口。它将管理宝石和贵金属业的风险,这对于对抗不只是国内而是国际罪案,以及改进安保来说,是非常重要的。”律政部将与利益攸关者,包括行业协会、制造商、批发商和零售商咨询,评估这行业的相关风险,再采取一个能够解除风险的集中方法,并确保监管费合理。“新条例将与设定国际标准的国际反洗黑钱机构金融行动特别工作组(Financial Action Task Force,简称FATF)的建议一致。”贵金属市场协会:新监管制度来得及时 新加坡贵金属市场协会有43个机构会员,包括珠宝公司、银行等,该协会副首席执行官张亮说,任何商品交易,包括房地产都有可能成为洗黑钱的途径和手段,身为商家就有义务把关,采取防范措施。他指出,贵金属如黄金买卖是不记名交易,可以让不法分子有机可乘,当局要推出新的监管制度来得及时。政府向来与金融业者密切合作,让它们更深入了解洗黑钱和恐怖主义融资的课题;即使像典当业等非金融业者,也必须遵守相关的管制措施。今年4月至6月,一个市场研究公司受律政部委任,就上述课题向宝石和贵金属经销商展开调查。 READ MORE

2nd Asia Pacific Precious Metals Conference Highlights

Navigate News List Singapore Showcases Growing Role in Regional Bullion Market at 2nd Asia Pacific Precious Metals Conference By SBMA, 19 June 2018 Singapore Bullion Market Association (SBMA), with the support of Enterprise Singapore, welcomed 358 delegates from 173 companies in 29 countries to the second Asia Pacific Precious Metals Conference in early June. The…

The Singapore Parliament has passed several significant changes to the Securities and Futures Act.

Navigate News List The Singapore Parliament has passed several significant changes to the Securities and Futures Act. 10 Januart 2017 DOWNLOAD PDF The Singapore Parliament has passed several significant changes to the Securities and Futures Act. These changes will enhance transparency and credibility to the market, and also create better safeguards for retail investors.Details of…