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Asia Pacific Precious Metals Conference 2017


Published on September 25, 2017

The inaugural Asia Pacific Precious Metals Conference, held on 4-6 June 2017, was attended by over 330 delegates from 170+ companies spread over 24 countries. The conference showcased the diversity and potential of the region’s precious metals sector, and witnessed the signing of Memoranda of Understandings (MOUs) between Myanmar Gold Development Public Company, and between The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society and SBMA to foster closer collaboration. SBMA and IE Singapore along with its host of sponsors and partners would like to thank the speakers, delegates, and exhibitors for their wholehearted support.

Reports on the conference proceedings can be found at

Mark your calendars for the 2nd APPMC, which will be held on 3-5 June 2018 in Singapore.

From left, Sunil Kashyap (Chairman, SBMA), Albert Cheng (CEO, SBMA) and U Khin Maung Han (Chairman, Myanmar Gold Development Public Company) at the MOU signing between Myanmar Gold Development Public Company and SBMA.
From left, Sunil Kashyap (Chairman, SBMA), Albert Cheng (CEO, SBMA) and U Khin Maung Han (Chairman, Myanmar Gold Development Public Company) at the MOU signing between Myanmar Gold Development Public Company and SBMA.
SBMA CEO Albert Cheng and SBMA Chairman Sunil Kashyap presenting a memento to CGSE President Haywood Cheung after the MOU signing between CGSE and SBMA.
SBMA CEO Albert Cheng and SBMA Chairman Sunil Kashyap presenting a memento to CGSE President Haywood Cheung after the MOU signing between CGSE and SBMA.
APPMC delegates at the conference.
Guest of Honour, IE Singapore Assistant CEO Satvinder Singh delivering the Welcome Address. World Gold Council.
Robin Martin from the World Gold Council speaking on the “Fintech Development in Gold” panel.
Precious Metals Insights Managing Director Philip Klapwijk speaking about “Globalisation and the Gold Market”.
Shanghai Gold Exchange Product Director Andrew Wang, who introduced the Shanghai Gold Benchmark.
SBMA CEO Albert Cheng (left) thanking TD Securities Director and Global Head of Commodity Strategy Bart Melek (right) for speaking at the conference.

Comments from participants

We were all proud for the SBMA fraternity. We know there is still much to do to entrench our leadership globally as the gold precious metals hub, but we feel we are in good company with all of you in making it happen

– Satvinder Singh (Assistant CEO, IE Singapore)

The keynote speakers were all interesting and relevant to the current market and the networking amongst the attendees was very beneficial

– Janie Simpson (Managing Director, ABC Bullion)

The WGC is very pleased we could make a positive contribution towards helping make this event an important fixture for the region. The conference panels and the many conversations I had over the course of four days in Singapore have given me a lot to think about

– Robin Martin (Managing Director, Market Infrastructure, World Gold Council)

Thank you, the conference was a great success and we at the WPIC were very pleased with the reception that platinum received and the impact we were able to have for a first event

– Marcus Grubb (Director of Market Development, World Platinum Investment Council)

SBMA and the conference organisers should be congratulated for putting on such a great conference and getting so many delegates from across the world to attend

– Philip Klapwijk (Managing Director, Precious Metals Insights)

The first APPMC is a great success for sure. I’ve never seen so many Southeast Asian bullion industry representatives at any conference

– Andrew Wang (Product Director, Shanghai Gold Exchange)

I appreciate SBMA inviting the ASX to a really well organised and successful first APPMC. I really enjoyed meeting all the key people in the industry and look forward to your other events and conferences

– Waqar Chaudry (Product Manager, ASX Limited)

The conference has allowed us to explore new partnership opportunities with other gold market participants, and we have received cooperation proposals, which will have a powerful impact on the development of our business in Singapore and Southeast Asia

– Sergei Vozchikov (Managing Director, Copernicus Gold)

Congratulations on a well-organised and successful conference! I very much enjoyed the event and I found there were very many high quality people in attendance, helping TD and me to make inroads to new business relationships

– Bart Melek (Director, Global Head of Commodity Strategy, TD Securities)

Thank you again for your excellent organisation of the inaugural SBMA conference

– Kerry Stevenson (Managing Director, Symposium)